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Scenario Manager Overview

The purpose of the Scenario Manager is to create and compare model simulations, called scenarios. The Scenario Manager is designed as an explorer, in which scenarios are organized in folders (groups) in an intuitively and convenient way that you design.

When opening the Scenario Manager for the first time, it comes with a default folder structure containing only two folders called Comparison Configuration and Model setups respectively. Under the Model Setups folder you organize the models and scenarios you are simulating, and under the Comparison Configuration you compare the scenarios.

In the grouping structure you can include:

  • Different types of models, e.g. based on different simulation packages;

  • Same type of models, but created for different geographical area (e.g. river or river basin);

  • Same type of models created for the same area (e.g. river or river basin), but with a different model configuration, e.g. including a new reservoir;

  • Same type of models create for the same area with the same configuration, but with variations in model parameters or input variables, or

  • Combinations of the above.

The grouping structure of the Scenario Manager can, after having included a number of models and scenarios, look similar to the illustration below.

At least two scenarios are required to make a comparison. In a comparison the simulation results from the two scenarios will be analyzed. The variation between two scenarios would mostly stem from changes in model structure or changes in model parameters or input data. For example a river basin model can be set up for a baseline simulation representing the current conditions and a model representing the future conditions, e.g. high growth simulation, in terms of increased urban water demand from growth in population.