def ChangeLogExample(): """ """ # get the changelog module and time series manager cmgr = app.Modules.Get('ChangeLog Manager'); tsmgr = app.Modules.Get('Time series Manager'); oldName = 'ANGASMAYO-60CXT33EN2QB01 - 1 - ANGASMAYO (Caudal) (Extract) (Resampled)'; newName = 'New name'; # Get the Time Series ts = tsmgr.TimeSeriesList.Fetch("/Misc/%s" %(oldName)); # rename the series ts.Name = newName; # make a changelog record # public IChangeLogEntry AddChangeLogEntry( # IEntity entity, # string source, # string description, # Object data # ) cmgr.AddChangeLogEntry(ts, 'ChangeLogExample script', "Changing the name from %s to %s" %(oldName, newName), None); ## update the series - the changelog will follow automatically tsmgr.TimeSeriesList.Update(ts);