Knowledge Products
Knowledge Products are documents (files), i.e. pdf, Word, Excel etc… uploaded to the database. In the database the files are located in the folder given by the path for KnowledgeProducts in the INFO-Config.txt file of the installation.
From the MIKE INFO Desktop Knowledge Products can be added from the Settings menu, and Viewed (and Deleted) from the Knowledge Products tab-page.
The key global documents functionalities includes, among other things:
Definition of metadata describing the details and origin of the global document (Title, author, year of publication, organisation, etc.).
Definition of keywords which can be associated with global documents. The keywords are used when searching for documents.
Uploading global documents to MIKE INFO, and assign metadata to them.
Searching for global documents using a free text search.
Downloading global documents.
Uploading Knowledge Products¶
The Knowledge Products button under Station data and Knowledge Products under the Settings menu opens a dialog for uploading a knowledge product, which later can be viewed, opened and/or downloaded.
Dialog for uploading knowledge products.
To upload a document do the following:
Browse to the document and select the document.
Give the document a Title – the filename is the default title.
Select a Target folder in the tree-view to the left (additional options at the bottom left of the ‘Add Knowledge Products’ window include Add folder
, Rename folder
and Delete folder
Write a document abstract (optional).
Import a Thumbnail, e.g. the front cover of the document (optional) or paste it from the clipboard
Add data in the defined metadata fields where the information are available.
Select keywords relevant for the document by ticking checkboxes from the dropdown menu, from the predefined list – these will be used when searching for the document.
Decide whether the document is Public or not (by leaving the checkbox ticked (default) or untick it. Only Public documents are visible through MIKE INFO Web.
Click OK. The dialog will close and a confirmation dialog pops-up.
Note: When adding documents, the system checks if it is a double entry, this is done based on the title.
Note: depending on the format of the file type for a knowledge products, these can be opened, edited and saved, where the saved changes will be kept next time the file is opened. Examples of such file types include Microsoft Word and Excel.
Note: Knowledge products can also be associated to stations – see the guideline for Station Data.
Viewing Knowledge Products¶
Knowledge products can be accessed and viewed from the Knowledge products tab.
The dialog shows
The number of documents found by the free text search
The found documents in list to the left
Details of the selected document to the right (once the document is selected). Details include Title, Abstract, the path to the document in the database, the Public flag and the meta data properties of the document.
Two arrows at the top right navigate through the list.
To show all of the knowledge products within the database, without typing anything in the search box, click on ‘Search’.
The list shows columns of selected properties. The application default is to show only the title. A user default can be specified in the INFO-Config.txt by creating a KnowledgeProducts section with a keyword ShowFields with semi-colon separated values. The possible field names are the same as in the Show drop-down menu. They comprise the standard properties : “Author”, “Format”, “Language”, ”Keywords”, and “Public” plus the meta data properties for Document (currently “Year of Publication”, “Document Type”, “Organisation”, “Copyright”, “Geographical Location”, “Document URL”).
A different default selection of columns in the list can also be made through the Show button, which also enables adjusting the column sizes.
Find documents by entering one or more words in the Search box and press the “Search” button or hit Enter.
The list will be filled with documents matching the criteria. Documents are ranked with respect to number of matching words and number of matches in the document.
Select a document to view the properties. Move through the list with the arrows at the top.
It is also possible for the administrator to edit/update the metadata for a document from this dialog.
Double-click on a document in the list to open the document. Users with administration rights can also Remove (delete) the document from the database, move it to another folder or rename the document
Renaming allows specifying a different document title.
Downloading Knowledge Products¶
Within the Knowledge Products tab, there is an option for a user to download a document. To do so, follow these steps:
Select the document from the list that you wish to download.
Click on the ‘Download’ button
The title of the document is the default name, where there is an option for the user to change the Document name if they wish.
Click the browse button to select an appropriate directory on your PC, then click OK.
If the document has downloaded successfully, a message will pop up in the bottom right-hand corner saying that the download was successful.
Publish Figures¶
Screen dumps of the Map View can be published from the Publish button in the Data menu ribbon.
Within the ‘Data’ tab, click on the ‘Publish’ button
Write a Document name
Select a folder from the dropdown for where the image will get published
Write a Summary
Select keywords
Click OK
The image will be placed in the selected Knowledge Products folder, can be search like other Knowledge Products, and can be viewed with the default viewer for image files.
To add additional folders, or to decide whether to make the folder viewable on the Web or not, click on the Settings tab (top left). Then go to ‘Database Management’ and then ‘Knowledge Product Groups’.
Here you can add additional folders, rename existing folders, delete folders, select the default folder or untick the ‘Include on Web’ box to hide from the public user on MIKE INFO Web (see figure below)