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WMS and WFS Services

The GIS Manager can display WMS and WFS layers on a map combined with the feature and raster layers that you have access to from a database. This allows you to compose a map showing eg: rainfall station locations from a database, overlaid on a WMS map of the topography that is hosted on a WMS server.

The following section details how to add a WFS service to the GIS Manager, display a WFS layer on the map, and delete the WFS service. The same approach is used for WMS layers.

Add a new WFS service

Description Illustration
Right click on the WFS node in the Service group of the GIS Manager Explorer, and select Add new service. ./WMS_WFS_Services/image34.png
Supply a preferred name and the URL to the input dialog ./WMS_WFS_Services/image35.png
A list of available layers will be provided in the explorer ./WMS_WFS_Services/image36.png
Set the view projection to WGS 84, by selecting the Service database, and then specifying WGS 84 as the coordinate system in the Properties window ./WMS_WFS_Services/image37.png
Double-click a WFS layer, or right-click and choose Add to new map to create a new map and add the layer to it ./WMS_WFS_Services/image38.png

Delete a WFS service

Right-click on the WFS service in the GIS Explorer, choose Delete from the context menu. The WFS service is deleted.
