The following tools are available for GIS data:
1. Vector¶
Import Tools¶
The following tools are available for importing vector data to a feature class.
Import from ASCII file¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool imports point features from an ASCII file. |
Input items | An ASCII file stored on the file system. |
Tool properties | |
Output items | A feature class stored in the database. |
Technical reference and usage tips | The tool reads point data stored in an ASCII file formatted as: X, Y, attribute_1, attribute_2, …, attribute_n Xvalue_1, Yvalue_1, value_11, value_12, …, value_1n … Xvalue_m, Yvalue_m, value_m1, value_m2, …, value_mn Where the first line is the header of the file with the names of the attributes and data starts from the second line. Further note that: If a line starts with “;” or “#” it shall be ignored X and Y may be located in different columns but are always named X and Y. Hence, the name is used to locate the columns containing X and Y coordinates Z values can be specified in a column named “Z” |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.UI.Tools.ASCIIFileImportTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Import from ASCII file’) |
Import from KML file¶
Category | Description |
Description | This tool imports features from a KML file. |
Input items | An KML file stored on the file system. |
Tool properties | ![]() |
Output items | A feature class stored in the database. |
Technical reference and usage tips |
The tool imports a standard KML file where a feature class is defined. It is not possible to use the tool in cases where features in KML file are loosely defined in a way that attributes are not shared or features are a mix of points and/or lines and/or polygons. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.UI.Tools.KMLFileImportTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Import from KML file’) |
Import from RES11 file¶
Category | Description |
Description | This tool imports res11 data. It imports the network as GIS data and the time series data as time series associated to the GIS features. Res11 files can only be imported if the projection is already defined in the DSS. Otherwise, add the projection mapping to ESRIProjections.txt file in the application folder. |
Input items | An res11 file stored on the file system. |
Tool properties | ![]() |
Output items | A feature class stored in the database. |
Technical reference and usage tips |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.UI.Tools.Res11ImportTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Import from Res11 file’) |
Import from shapefile¶
Category | Description |
Description | This tool imports features from a shape file stored on the file system and creates a feature class in the database. |
Input items | A shape file stored on the file system. |
Tool properties | ![]() Feature Class: Holds the group and feature class name as it will appear in the database after import. File Path: Holds the file path to the source shape file. Coordinate System: If a prj-file is available the coordinate system will be added automatically. If a prj-file is not available the user must identify the source file coordinate system on import (from a pull down with a list of coordinate systems known to the MIKE Workbench). |
Output items | A feature class stored in the database. |
Technical reference and usage tips | As an alternative to specify input data in the property dialogue you may simply press “Run” in the Tool property dialogue. This brings up a user interface that supports the data load process. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.UI.Tools.ShapeFileImportTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Import from shape file’) |
The following tools are available for processing feature classes.
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Clip feature classes¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Erase feature classes¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Dissolve feature class¶
Category | Description |
Description |
Combines multiple polygons with identical attribute values (user selected attribute) into a single feature. |
Input items | One feature class of type point, line or polygon. |
Tool properties | ![]() Attribute : The attribute to be used for dissolving the feature class GIS processor: Defaults settings always apply. |
Output items | A feature class holding dissolved features. |
Technical reference and usage tips | All features with the same value for the selected “dissolve” attribute will be combined into one feature. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.DissolveTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Dissolve Feature Class’) |
Intersect feature classes¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The intersect tool creates a geometric intersection of two input feature classes. Only the features, or portions of features, which overlap in all input feature classes will be written to the output feature class. Attributes from all input features are mapped to all output features. ![]() |
Input items | Two feature classes of type polygon. |
Tool properties | ![]() Name of Intersection feature class: The name of the output feature class (memory object). GIS processor: Defaults settings always apply. |
Output items | One feature class containing all intersecting features with attributes from all input features. |
Technical Reference and usage tips | |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.IntersectTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Intersect Feature Classes’) |
Category | Description |
Description |
Adds the attributes “area” and “perimeter” to a polygon feature class or attribute “length” to a line feature class |
Input items | One feature class of type “polygon” or line |
Tool properties | ![]() Unit: the unit to be used in calculations. |
Output items | A feature class (in memory) with attributes added. |
Technical reference and Usage tips | If attributes with names “area”, “perimeter” or “length” are already in the input feature class they will be overwritten. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.MeasureTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Measure’) |
Merge feature classes¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The merge tool combines two feature classes into one new feature class. All features from both input feature classes are added to the output feature class (including overlapping features). Feature geometries are not changed by the merge tool. |
Input items | Two feature classes of same type. |
Tool properties | ![]() Attribute Mapping: Attributes will be kept as in the Master Feature Class. Attributes from other feature classes can be mapped to the master feature class attributes as indicated above. No selection means “no attribute mapping”. Feature Class Name: The name of the output feature class (in memory object). Master Feature Class: Attributes from other input feature classes will be mapped to the attributes of the Master Feature Class (hence above the Master attributes are the left ones) |
Output items | A feature class (in memory). To save use the “To database” tool. |
Usage tips | The merge tool combines two feature classes into one new feature class. Feature classes to be merged must be of the same type (e.g. type polygon) |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.MergeTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew('Merge Feature Classes”) |
Union feature classes¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The Union tool creates a geometric intersection of the input feature classes. All overlapping and non-overlapping features will be written to the output feature class. |
Input items | Two or more feature classes of type polygon |
Tool properties | |
Output items | One feature class containing the union of input feature classes |
Technical reference and usage tips | The tool functioning is illustrated by the graphics below. Input contains 3 different feature classes. Feature class 1 and feature class 2 both contains attribute “A”. Feature class 3 contains attribute B. The union tool would create 8 new features holding attributes as outlined in the graphics. ![]() |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.UnionTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Union Feature Classes’) |
Thiessen polygons¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The buffer tool creates a buffer surrounding one or more selected features within the same feature class. |
Input items | A feature class with one or more selected features of type point, line or polygon. |
Tool properties | ![]() Distance: The buffer (distance) to be created around selected feature GIS Processor: Default setting is always applicable Unit: Applied unit |
Output items | A feature class (in memory) containing the buffer delineation |
Technical reference and usage tips | Run “To display” to visualize with the source map. Use display option “ActiveDataView” to overlay on the active map. Use the “To database” tool to store the feature class in the database. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.BufferTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Buffer’) |
Output Tools¶
The following tools are available for exporting data to the file system or for creating different types of outputs.
Export to KMZ file¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool exports a feature class to a KML file. |
Input items | A selected feature class stored in the database |
Tool properties | File system path for KML file storage. ![]() |
Output items | A KML file saved on the file system. ![]() |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.KMLFileExportTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Export to KML file’) |
Export to shapefile¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool exports a feature class to a shape file. |
Input items | A selected feature class stored in the database |
Tool properties | File system path for shape file storage. |
Output items | Shape file saved on the file system. |
Technical reference and usage tips | The tool exports to a standard shape file (dbf, prj, shp and shx) as illustrated below. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.ShapeFileExportTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Export to shape file’) ![]() |
To attribute table¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The “To Table” tool adds the attribute table to a table data view. |
Input items | A feature class |
Tool properties | The tool has no settings |
Output items | A table data view with feature class attribute values |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.Generic.UI.Tools.ToTable |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘To table’) |
To database¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The “To Database” tool stores an in memory feature class to the database. |
Input items | A selected feature class (or selected features in a feature class) |
Tool properties | ![]() Duplicate Name option: The option in case a feature class with the same name already exists under the same group. Replace the existing feature class, rename the feature class being saved or don't save the feature class. |
Output items | A feature class stored in the database |
Technical reference and usage tips | All GIS tools produces memory objects (feature classes stored in memory). To store these memory objects in the database the “To Database” tool must be used. If query tools have been used to select specific features within a feature class these may be stored in a new feature class using the “To Database” tool. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.ToDatabaseTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘To database’) |
To display¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The “To Display” tool adds a feature class to a “New map” or to the “Active map”. |
Input items | A feature class to be displayed on the map as a feature layer. |
Tool properties | ![]() Action: Output: Identifies the visualizer. Currently always ThinkGeo, but more visualizers (e.g. ArcMap) may be added in the future. |
Output items | A feature layer added to the Map data view |
Technical reference and usage tips | When running GIS processing tools they always run either “to Display” or “to Table”. Note that the current “Action” setting for the “To Display” tool will be used when using “To Display” from other GIS tools. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.ToDisplayTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘To display’) |
Raster Interpolation¶
Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool interpolates point data producing a raster with values given by the specified attribute of the input point feature class. The tool uses the Inverse Distance Weighted algorithm which assigns to every grid cell the weighted combination of the in neighboring points. The weights are computed using the inverse distance. Selection of the points and method the combination of the values is done using modified Shepard method for non-uniform datasets. |
Input items | A raster or a feature class. One feature class of type point or a selection of point features. |
Tool properties | Attribute: The attribute to get values for the points to use in the interpolation Extrapolate values: If true, interpolated values are used even in case where they are bigger than maximum input value or smaller than minimum input value. Otherwise maximum and minimum values are used respectively. Raster definition: The output definition of the raster, consisting of: |
Output items | A raster representing the inverse distance weighted interpolated values. |
Technical reference and usage tips | For further information on inverse distance weighted interpolation, see |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.IDWInterpolationTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation’) |
Kriging interpolation¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool interpolates point data producing a raster with values given by the specified attribute of the input point feature class using the kriging algorithm which assigns to every grid cell a value calculated using the simple kriging method with specified covariance method. The interpolated values are computed using linear regression of input values. |
Input items | One feature class of type point or a selection of point features. |
Tool properties | Attribute: The attribute to get values for the points to use in the interpolation Covariance Type: The covariance type to use to compute covariance of the values in two points using the scaled distance between points. Extrapolate values: If true, interpolated values are used even in case where they are bigger than maximum input value or smaller than minimum input value. Otherwise maximum and minimum values are used respectively. Missing Value: The value to use when the distance to the closest point is bigger than radius. Raster Definition: The output definition of the raster. See Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation for more detail on these parameters. Raster Processor: The raster processor to use when executing the tool. PostGIS Raster Processor is the default processor. Other processors can be added and used by the tool. Relative Scaling Factor: The scaling factor to normalize point distances (typically 1). |
Output items | A raster representing the kriging interpolated values. |
Technical reference and usage tips | Simple kriging is used which relies on a covariance function rather than an empirically derived variogram. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.KrigingInterpolationTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Kriging Interpolation’) |
Nearest Neighbour interpolation¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool interpolates point data producing a raster with values given by the specified attribute of the input feature class using the nearest neighbour algorithm which assigns to every grid cell the value in the closest input point. |
Input items | One feature class of type point or a selection of point features. |
Tool properties | Attribute: The attribute to get values for the points to use in the interpolation Missing Value: The value to use when the distance to the closest point is bigger than radius. Radius: The value for the maximum radius to the closest point so it's value is used in the interpolation. -1 means infinite radius. Raster Definition: The output definition of the raster. See Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation for more detail on these parameters. Raster Processor: The raster processor to use when executing the tool. PostGIS Raster Processor is the default processor. Other processors can be added and used by the tool. |
Output items | A raster representing the nearest neighbor interpolated values. |
Technical reference and usage tips | DK-tree structure of the input points are used to provide best performance. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.NearestNeighbourTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Nearest Neighbour Interpolation’) |
Radial Basis interpolation¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool interpolates point data producing a raster with values given by the specified attribute of the input point feature class using the radial basis algorithm. This assigns to every grid cell a value calculated using a real-valued function whose value depends only on the distance from the origin f(x) = f(||x||) or alternatively on the distance from some other point c, called a center f(x) = f(||x - c||) . Any function that satisfies the property is a radial function. Radial basis functions are typically used to build up function approximations approximating function y(x) is represented as a sum of N radial basis functions, each associated with a different center xi, and weighted by an appropriate coefficient wi |
Input items | One feature class of type point or a selection of point features. |
Tool properties | Attribute: the attribute to get values for the points to use in the interpolation Extrapolate Value: If true, interpolated values are used even in case where they are bigger than maximum input value or smaller than minimum input value. Otherwise maximum and minimum values are used respectively. Radial Basis Function: The radial basis function to use to compute approximation functions. Raster Definition: The output definition of the raster. See Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation for more detail on these parameters. Raster Processor: The raster processor to use when executing the tool. PostGIS Raster Processor is the default processor. Other processors can be added and used by the tool. |
Output items | A raster representing the radial basis interpolated values. |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.RadialBasisInterpolationTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Radial Basis Interpolation’) |
Raster Processing¶
The following tools are available for raster processing based on vector data.
Vector to raster¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool converts a feature class to a raster using attribute values for each of the features in the feature class to fill in the raster. |
Input items | One feature class or set of selected features. |
Tool properties | Attribute: The attribute to get values to fill in the raster. Missing Value: The value to use when data is missing. Raster definition: The output definition of the raster, consisting of: PostGIS Raster Processor is the default processor. Other processors can be added and used by the tool. |
Output items | A raster representing values of the attribute for each input feature. |
Technical reference and usage tips | None. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.VectorToRasterTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Vector to Raster’) |
Zonal statistics¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool calculates statistics on raster values for polygons, lines or points. |
Input items | One feature class. |
Tool properties | ![]() The raster is identified by its full path. ![]() |
Output items | A feature class with the calculated statistics added as attributes. |
Technical reference and usage tips | None. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.RasterProcessing.ZonalStatisticsTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Zonal Statistics’) |
Temporal Tools¶
The following tools are available for processing of time varying data.
Catchment rainfall generation tool¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Temporal disaggregation tool¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Temporal zonal statistics tool¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool calculates statistics on time varying raster values for polygons, lines or points. The output are time series of the selected statistics for each of the features in the feature class. The time series can be saved similarly to the “To database” tool or returned as in-memory time series |
Input items | One feature class. |
Tool properties | ![]() Output time series can be returned as in-memory time series (No Save option) or saved according to one of the options in case a time series with the same name already exists. The group is identified by its full path. If more than one input time series have been selected, a number suffix will be added to each time series name. If no name has been specified, the input time series shall be saved with their original names (plus suffix, if specified). Only allowed units are available in the list. The allowed units are defined by the variable type. Each variable will have a set of allowed units, and hence changing the variable can potentially change the list of available units. ![]() |
Output items | If “No Save” option is selected, the output are time series of the selected statistics for each of the features in the feature class. If a save option is selected, output time series are saved to the database. Time series are named according to the statistics method, the value for attribute for each feature and the naming options in the tool properties |
Technical reference and usage tips | None. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.Temporal.TemporalZonalStatisticsTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew('Temporal Zonal Statistics Tool') |
Time series step to features tool¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool copies timeseries values to features in a feature class. |
Input items | One feature class for which the attribute table will be edited. |
Tool properties | ![]() FeatureClass If it does not exist, it will be created. If it exists, values will be overwritten. This will be used along with the regular expression. Timeseries If this is left empty, the tool will assume a one to one match between the names written in the attribute table and the timeseries names. If set to false, a timeseries group will need to be defined. If set to False, the timestep to pick will need to be specified. If the timestep does not exist, the value will be Null. |
Output items | This tool returns the input edited feature class attribute. |
Technical reference and usage tips | This example will consider a feature class showing the forecasted points of a meteorological model, as shown below. GIS view ![]() Attribute table ![]() Those points correspond to the location of the timeseries below. ![]() The timeseries Group called “FullTS” stores both the rainfall and temperature from the forecast model. In order to indicate the tool that it should use the rainfall timeseries only, a regex mask must be defined. The expression (.*) means any number of any character. This would correspond to * in SQL. So an expression like this (.*)_rainfall would mean “get any name that has any number of character before _rainfall”. Regex expression can be tested online ( In the example below, the names highlighted in blue fulfill the masks defined in Expression and would thus but considered by the tool. The tool will then try to match group#1 with a string in the TS Connection Attribute field. ![]() The tool will first get all the timeseries from Group Name (or the associated ones). In the present example, this means _rainfall and _temperature timeseries from /Aladin/FullTS . Then it will loop through each of the timeseries and perform a Regex check. If successful (i.e. if timeseries ends with _rainfaill), the tool will get theso-called “Group#1” which in our case is everything before “_rainfall”. For this Group#1 name, the tool will loop through all the features in the inputfeature class, looking at the value stored in the field pointid (as defined in TS Connection Attribute). If a feature is found, the specified timestep will be read from timeseries and written in ts_value (as defined in Target Attribute Name). The output will be an update feature class. ![]() If the AddAssociation was selected, each feature has a new Associated Timeseries. ![]() |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.Temporal.TimeSeriesStepToFeaturesTool |
Scripting the tool | see script |
Time series to temporal raster¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool creates a temporal raster from a set of timeseries and a point feature class. It uses the tool “TimeSeries Step To Feature” and its help should be consulted for more information on the timeseries selection. |
Input items | One feature class representing the geographical location of the timeseries. |
Tool properties | ![]() FeatureClass TS Connection Attribute: The attribute storing the string that will be used to select which timeseries to read the value from. This will be used along with the regular expression. OutputRaster If timeseries do not have timesteps at this particular date/time, no interpolation is carried out and the raster will end at last available timestep (preceeding EndTime). The editable properties corresponds to the raster properties, as defined in World Files. This includes the extent, rotation, cell size and origin of the raster to create. The extent is by default taken from the feature class extent. Scale X and Scale Y correspond to the cell size for a raster that is not rotated. The Scale Y is negative because the origin of the raster is the top left corner. The read only properties are derived from the editable properties. ![]() If it already exists it will be overwritten. If timeseries do not have timesteps at this particular date/time, no interpolation is carried out and the raster will start at first available timestep (following StartTime). This should match the input timeseries timestep. The tool looks for a given timestep in each input timeseries. If it not found, MissingValue is used. Changing the width/height will automatically change the scale or vice-versa. Timeseries If this is left empty, the tool will assume a one to one match between the nameswritten in the attribute table and the timeseries names. If set to false, a timeseries group will need to be defined. |
Output items | This tool returns the newly created temporal raster. |
Technical reference and usage tips | This example will take the case of a feature class showing the forecasted points of a meteorological model, as shown below. GIS view ![]() Attribute table ![]() Those points correspond to the location of the timeseries below. ![]() The timeseries Group called “FullTS” stores both the rainfall and temperaturefrom the forecast model. In order to indicate the tool that it should use the rainfall timeseries only, a regex mask must be defined. For more information,refer to the documentation of the tool “TimeSeries Step To Feature”. The timeseries parameters should include the full path to the folder where the timeseries are stored (because the timeseries are not taken from the list oftimeseries associated to each feature) and the regex expression used to filter relevant timeseries in this group. ![]() In order to find the timeseries related to each feature in the feature class,the name=ing field is defined. ![]() Opening the input timeseries, it is apparent that the timestep is 1 hour. ![]() The time step (hour) parameter is updated accordingly. It is required to specify the location of the output raster. Everything else can be kept as default in most cases. ![]() For each timestep, the tool populates the attribute called “ts_values” in feature class with the corresponding timeseries value. Then a special interpolation is carried out using the Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolationtool. Each output static raster is added as a timestep of the output temporal raster. ![]() The output of the tool is a temporal raster with the same extent as the input feature class. ![]() |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.Temporal.TimeSeriesToTemporalRasterTool |
Scripting the tool | see script |
2. Raster¶
Import Tools¶
The following tools are available for importing raster data.
Import temporal rasters from ASCII files¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Import from ASCII grid file¶
Category | Description |
Description | This tool imports rasters stored in an ASCII formatted grid file (as output by ArcGIS, for example). |
Input items | An ASCII grid file stored on the file system. |
Tool properties | When running the tool from the Tools Explorer, a user-friendly data view interface will appear to assist in setting the tool properties. Coordinate System: The coordinate system of the data to be imported. File Path: The path of the file to import. Raster: The full path of the raster name to import the data to. |
Output items | A raster stored in the database. |
Technical reference and usage tips | The tool imports grids stored in what is known as the ArcInfo ASCII Grid format. It looks like the following: ![]() where |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.UI.Tools.ASCIIGridImportTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Import from ASCII Grid’) |
Import from DFS2 file¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Import from image file¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool imports rasters stored in an image file. |
Input items | An image file stored on the file system in JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, or EXIF format. |
Tool properties | When running the tool from the Tools Explorer, a user-friendly data view interface will appear to assist in setting the tool properties. |
Output items | A raster stored in the database. |
Technical reference and usage tips | To import a georeferenced TIFF file, see the Import from TIFF file tool below. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.UI.Tools.ImageFileImportTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Import from Image file’) |
Import from IMG file¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Import from NetCDF file¶
Category | Description |
Description | This tool imports a raster from a netCDF file. |
Input items | A raster stored in netCDF format. |
Tool properties | To see the tool properties, click run. This will show you the interface below, where you can specify the path to the file, coordinate system, and output location.![]() |
Output items | This tool does not produce an output, but saves the raster to the specified folder. |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew('Import from NetCDF file'). |
Scripting the tool | see script |
Import from NetCDF file (Advanced)¶
Category | Description |
Description | This tool imports raster from a NetCDF file. |
Input items | A raster group should be added as input or selected in the GIS Explorer. |
Tool properties | When running the tool from the Tools Explorer, a user-friendly data view interface will appear to assist in setting the tool properties. > ![]() File Path: The file path of the NetCDF file to import. Variable: The name of the variable of the NetCDF file to import. Existing Raster Option: The behavior for overwriting when an existing raster is specified. This property is ignored when no raster exists at the specified location. - Append - Only adds data from the NetCDF file after existing time steps in the raster. - Supersede - Data from the NetCDF file supersedes and replaces existing data at any overlapping time steps and appends new time steps. - Replace - A new raster is created overwriting all existing data. Raster Group: The full path of the raster group to import the temporal raster(s) to. Raster Name: The name of the output raster. If left blank, this will be set to be equal to the variable name plus the NetCDF unit, if available. Cell Height: The cell height to apply for the raster. (Defaults to average height between Y points in NetCDF file). Cell Width: The cell width to apply for the raster. (Defaults to average width between X points in NetCDF file). Coordinate System: The coordinate system of the data to be imported. Scale Factor X: The scale factor for the X coordinates. (Coordinates will be multiplied by this factor.) Scale Factor Y: The scale factor for the Y coordinates. (Coordinates will be multiplied by this factor.) Base Time: The base time for the time dimension. Most time dimensions are of units "XX hours since DDTT" where DDTT is a parsable DateTime. This property allows you to override this base time. It is not necessarily the same as the first time step. Start Time: The start time calculated for the current variable's time dimension, the base time, and time offset. Time Offset: A time offset in hours used to adjust the time of each time step. EUM Item: The MIKE Zero EUM Item (unit type) code. EUM Unit: The MIKE Zero EUM Unit code. |
Output items | A raster stored in the database. |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.UI.Tools.NetCDFImportTool.FlexibleNetCDFImportTool |
Scripting the tool |
Import from TIFF file¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool imports raster from a TIFF file. |
Input items | A raster stored in a TIFF file. |
Tool properties | When running the tool from the Tools Explorer, a user-friendly data view interface will appear to assist in setting the tool properties. |
Output items | A raster stored in the database. |
Technical reference and usage tips | In contrast to the Import from Image file tool, the TIFF image is imported as a Grid type raster rather than an image. The tool requires a world file (*.tfw) to be present as well. The world file defines the position, scale, and skew (rotation) of the raster. More information on world files can be found at |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.UI.Tools.TIFFRasterImportTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Import from TIFF file’) |
Import temporal rasters from TIFF files¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Raster Group¶
Raster group tools¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Output Tools¶
The following tools are available for creating different types of raster outputs.
ASCII grid file export tool¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
DFS2 file export tool¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Create GIF from temporal raster¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool creates a ‘.gif’ file or a series of ‘.png’ files from a temporal raster. |
Input items | A raster in the GIS Manager. |
Tool properties | ![]() |
Output items | A ‘.gif’ file or a series of ‘.png’ files saved to the file system. |
Technical reference and usage tips | The name of the saved file(s) is determined by the choice in Tool Mode. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.TemporalRasterToGifTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Create Gif from Temporal Raster’) |
Raster to database¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The “To Database” tool stores an in memory feature class to the database. |
Input items | A selected raster or raster layer. |
Tool properties | Duplicate Name option: The option in case raster with the same name already exists under the same group. Replace the existing raster, rename the raster being saved or don't save the raster. |
Output items | A raster stored in the database |
Technical reference and usage tips | Raster tools produce memory objects (rasters stored in memory). To store these memory objects in the database the “To Database” tool must be used. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.RasterToDatabaseTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Raster To Database’) |
Raster to display¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The “To Display (Raster)” tool adds a raster to a “New map” or to the “Active map”. |
Input items | A raster to be displayed on the map as a raster layer. |
Tool properties | Action: |
Output items | A raster layer added to the Map data view |
Technical reference and usage tips | When running GIS processing tools they always run either “to Display”. Note that the current “Action” setting for the “To Display” tool will be used when using “To Display” from other GIS tools. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.UI.Tools.RasterToDisplayTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Raster To Display’) |
Raster Processing¶
The following tools are available for processing rasters.
Flow direction¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool calculates the flow direction of a raster representing elevation values (DEM) based on the slope of steepest decent from any given cell. |
Input items | A digital elevation model (DEM) as a raster or raster layer. |
Tool properties | The flow direction tool has no tool properties. |
Output items | A raster with values indicating flow direction from each cell. Output flow direction values are: 0 = None, 1 = East, 2 = Southest, 4 = South, 8 = Southwest, 16 = West, 32 = Northwest, 64 = North, 128 = Northeast, 256 = Local minimum, -512 = Undefined. |
Technical reference and usage tips | Flow direction values are often used as input to other tools, such as catchment delineation. Currently there are no tools that use this tool output directly. (The interactive catchment delineation described above calculates the flow direction internally.) |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.FlowDirectionTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Flow Direction’) |
Raster project¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool projects a raster to another coordinate system. |
Input items | Raster or raster layers. |
Tool properties | |
Output items | A raster projected into the new coordinate system. |
Technical reference and usage tips | Since coordinate systems are distorted relative to each other when projected, new cells need to be created, and their values interpolated. “Nearest Neighbor” simply selects the nearest value once projected. “Bilinear” linearly interpolates between the closest 4 input values in two directions. And “Cubic” uses cubic convolution to interpolate between nearby values. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.RasterProjectTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Raster Project’) |
Raster appearance¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Raster calculator¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool performs raster math on input rasters using syntax commonly found in spreadsheet programs. |
Input items | One or more rasters or raster layers. |
Tool properties | Formula: The formula to apply to the input rasters. Use syntax normally found in spreadsheets, but instead of cell references, enter raster names as mapped in the Mapping property within square brackets. E.g. “[myraster]” The tool can also produce one output for each input in case “[value]” mapping is used, meaning the current raster being iterated. Name Mapping: The mapping of raster names used in the formula to the input rasters. Do not include brackets. By default the input rasters are mapped to their raster name. |
Output items | A raster representing the result of the calculation. |
Technical reference and usage tips | The syntax used for the formula is the same as used in the Spreadsheet Manager. Formulas can be tested in Spreadsheet Manager and then copied into the tool properties, after replacing cell references with the mapped raster names. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.RasterCalculatorTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Raster Calculator’) |
Raster to vector¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool creates a feature class with features for each value range specified. If value ranges are not specified, it creates features for each unique value in the raster. |
Input items | Raster or raster layers. |
Tool properties | Raster Band : The band from the input rasters that is to be converted. Tolerance: The tolerance in raster coordinate system used for the simplification of geometries. Value Ranges: Defines the values ranges to generate features. If not specified, all values are used. |
Output items | A feature class holding features derived from the raster values. |
Technical reference and usage tips | None. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.RasterToVectorTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Raster to Vector’) |
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool reclassifies a raster replacing single values or ranges of values with the values to reclassify with. All bands in the raster will be reclassified and the output raster(s) will have the same definition as input raster(s). |
Input items | A raster or raster layer. |
Tool properties | Keep Unmapped Values: If true, unmapped values are kept; otherwise unmapped values are replaced by null. Mapping Type: Defines the type of mapping. If single value, values are mapped one to one. Otherwise, a range of values is mapped to a new value. Values Mapping: The mapping of values from the original raster to the reclassified raster. |
Output items | A raster with the reclassified values. |
Technical reference and usage tips | None. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.RasterReclassificationTool |
Scripting the tool | see script |
Raster resample¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool resamples a raster to a different cell size. |
Input items | Any raster or raster layer. |
Tool properties | Interpolation Method : The interpolation method to use. Raster definition: The output definition of the raster, consisting of: PostGIS Raster Processor is the default processor. Other processors can be added and used by the tool. |
Output items | A raster with the specified raster definition and resampled values. |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.RasterResampleTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Raster Resample’) |
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool calculates the slope for a raster in degrees. The output raster will have the same definition and as many bands as the corresponding input raster. Output data type is always float. |
Input items | A digital elevation model (DEM) as a raster or raster layer. |
Tool properties | The slope tool has no tool properties. |
Output items | A raster showing the average slope within each cell based on elevations of surrounding cells. |
Technical reference and usage tips | Given the following representation of a 3x3 neighborhood of pixels: A B C D E F G H I The equation for the pixel slope of cell E is: atan(sqrt(((c + 2f + i) - (a + 2d + g) / 8)\^2 + (((g + 2h + i) - (a + 2b + c)) / 8) \^ 2)) |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.RasterSlopeTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Slope’) |
Slope length¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool calculates the slope length for each cell in a raster representing elevation values (DEM) by following the slope down from each cell (similar to river tracing) and calculating the change in height and the length when the slope breaks by the SlopeBreak value. |
Input items | A digital elevation model (DEM) as a raster or raster layer. |
Tool properties | Slope Break: The break in slope in percent that will mark the downstream end of the slope. |
Output items | A raster representing the slope length from each cell. |
Technical reference and usage tips | None. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.SlopeLengthTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Slope Length’) |
3. Mesh¶
The following tools are available for GIS mesh data:
Import Tools¶
The following tool is available for importing mesh data.
Import from DFSU file¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool imports unstructured data stored in dfsu format (as output by MIKE 21 FM for example). |
Input items | A dfsu file stored on the file system. |
Tool properties | When running the tool from the Tools Explorer, a user-friendly data view interface will appear to assist in setting the tool properties. For optimal processing of meshes, they are stored in blocks defined by a size space (i.e. number of elements) and time (number of time steps). A given block will have a specific timespan, x range and y range for a given item. An item will be stored in several blocks of different geographical and temporal extent. ![]() Depending on the structure of the dfsu file, the tool will propose a way to define the size (in space and time) of the blocks to store in the database. In the example above, the blocks will have a maximum of 100 timesteps. For a given item and a given geographical extent, the 265 timesteps of the file will thus be stored in 3 different sets of blocks. The mesh has 3636 elements that are stored, geographically, in 37 block of up to 100 elements. The following parameter can then be refined by experienced users in order to change the temporal and special shape of a block: |
Output items | A mesh stored in the database. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.UI.Tools.DfsuImportTool |
Scripting the tool | see script |
Output Tools¶
The following tools are available for visualize and export mesh data.
To display¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The “To Display” tool adds a feature class to a “New map” or to the “Active map”. |
Input items | A mesh to be displayed on the map as a feature layer. |
Tool properties | ![]() Action: Output: Identifies the visualizer. Currently always ThinkGeo, but more visualizers (e.g. ArcMap) may be added in the future. |
Output items | A feature layer added to the Map data view |
Technical reference and usage tips | When running GIS processing tools they always run either “to Display” or “to Table”. Note that the current “Action” setting for the “To Display” tool will be used when using “To Display” from other GIS tools. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.ToDisplayTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘To display’) |
Mesh Processing Tools¶
The following tools are available for process mesh data.
Query feature class¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The “Query Feature Class” tool creates a new feature class with attribute(s) storing specific values. It can extract a given time step or compute statistics (Minimum, Average, Maximum). |
Input items | A mesh object. |
Tool properties | When creating a statistics feature class with minimum, average and maximum values for each element, the variable should be set to “Statistics” ![]() The following parameters should also be filled in: ![]() ![]() When creating a feature class representing a given timesteos, the variable should be set to “Statistics” ![]() Extra parameters are then enabled: The output feature class has one attribute showing the values at that time. ![]() ![]() |
Output items | A feature class |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.MeshProcessing |
Scripting the tool | see script |
Query time series¶
Category | Description |
Description |
This tool extracts timeseries from a mesh |
Input items | A mesh object. |
Tool properties | This tool will extract a timeseries given x and y coordinates. ![]() Those coordinates should be in the same projection as the original file. Getting the coordinates from the GIS managers In case the coordinates to extract are not already known, it is possible to get them from a map in the GIS Manager. To do so, you should first set the default coordinate system to be the one of the mesh object. Click on the “Database” node ![]() In the properties, you can select the coordinate system of the mesh. ![]() Then you should create a feature class of the mesh using the “To Display” tool ![]() This will show the mesh in a map. Hovering the mouse over the cell you want to extract a timeseries from, the coordinate (x,y) of the cell are shown at the bottom of the map. These are the values to use in the tool. ![]() |
Output items | A timeseries |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.MeshProcessing |
Scripting the tool | see script |
Soil Erosion Tools¶
The following tools are available for calculating soil erosion.
Soil erosion crop management (C)¶
Category | Description |
Description |
Calculates crop management factor (C) for the RUSLE soil erosion equation. |
Input items | A raster containing values representing land use (crops) OR a feature class with polygons representing land use (crops). |
Tool properties | Crop Type Attribute: The feature class attribute which contains the crop type. (Only used when the input is a feature class). Mapping: The mapping between the input land use (crop) values and the crop management factor. |
Output items | A raster representing the crop management factor (C). |
Technical reference and usage tips | This tool works similarly to the raster Reclassification tool. The mapped values should be derived from the literature. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.SoilErosionCTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Soil Erosion Crop Management (C)’) |
Soil erosion control (P)¶
Category | Description |
Description |
Calculates erosion control factor (P) for the RUSLE soil erosion equation. |
Input items | A raster containing values representing erosion control measures OR a feature class with polygons representing erosion control measures. |
Tool properties | Control Type Attribute: The feature class attribute which contains the erosion control type. (Only used when the input is a feature class). Mapping: The mapping between the input land use (control) values and the erosion control factor. |
Output items | A raster representing the erosion control factor (P). |
Technical reference and usage tips | This tool works similarly to the raster Reclassification tool. The mapped values should be derived from the literature. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.SoilErosionPTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Soil Erosion Erosion Control (P)’) |
Soil erosion mean annual soil loss (A)¶
Category | Description |
Description |
Calculates the mean annual soil loss (A) based on the RUSLE soil erosion equation. |
Input items | Five rasters representing the RUSLE soil erosion factors: |
Tool properties | The tool properties should be selected from the input rasters. Crop Management (C): The raster representing the crop management factor (C) of the RUSLE equation. Erosion Control (P): The raster representing the erosion control factor (P) of the RUSLE equation. Rainfall Erosivity (R): The raster representing the rainfall erosivity factor (R) of the RUSLE equation. Slope Length (LS): The raster representing the slope length factor (LS) of the RUSLE equation. Soil Erodibility (K): The raster representing the soil erodibility factor (K) of the RUSLE equation. |
Output items | A raster representing the mean annual soil loss. |
Technical reference and usage tips | The mean annual soil loss is calculated by multiplying each of the input factors together: A = R * K * LS * C * P |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.SoilErosionATool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Soil Erosion Mean Annual Soil Loss (A)’) |
Rainfall erosivity (R)¶
Category | Description |
Description |
Calculates rainfall erosivity (R) for the RUSLE soil erosion equation. |
Input items | Rasters or raster layers representing distributed rainfall data from which to calculate the rainfall erosivity factor. |
Tool properties | Formula: The raster calculator formula for calculating rainfall erosivity (R) from the input rainfall intensity and depth rasters. Name Mapping: The mapping between the input rasters and the raster names entered in the formula. For more information on these parameters, see the Raster Calculator tool. |
Output items | A raster representing the rainfall erosivity factor (R). |
Technical reference and usage tips | The default formula for rainfall erosivity is as follows, but can be changed by the user as required. This equation assumes you have two input grids, “intensity” and “depth”. These need to be mapped in the Name Mapping property to these names. =(0.29 * (1 - (0.596*EXP(-0.04*[intensity]))))*[depth]*[intensity] |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.SoilErosionRTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Soil Erosion Rainfall Erosivity (R)’) |
Soil erosion slope length (LS)¶
Category | Description |
Description |
Calculates slope length (LS) for the RUSLE soil erosion equation. |
Input items | A raster or raster layer representing a DEM (digital elevation model). |
Tool properties | The slope length tool has no tool properties. |
Output items | A raster representing the slope length factor (LS). |
Technical reference and usage tips | The tool uses the Slope and SlopeLength tools of the GIS Manager, described in the section on raster geoprocessing tools. From this the slope length is calculated as follows: LS[^1] = (x / 22.13)n (0.065 + 0.045 s + 0.0065 s\^2) where: This translates into the following spreadsheet formula which is called using the Raster Calculator Tool: =POWER([length] / 22.13,![n]) * (0.065 + 0.045 *![slope] + 0.0065 *![slope]*![slope]) This formula is applied 4 times for each possible value of n and then merged by adding (again using the Raster Calculator). |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.SoilErosionLSTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Soil Erosion Slope Length (LS)’) |
[^1]: This method is from Wischmeier & Smith, 1978
Soil erosion soil erodibility (K)¶
Category | Description |
Description |
Calculates soil erodibility (K) for the RUSLE soil erosion equation. |
Input items | A raster containing values representing the soil type OR a feature class with polygons representing the soil types. |
Tool properties | Mapping: The mapping between the input soil type values and the soil erodibility factor. Soil Type Attribute: The feature class attribute which contains the soil type. (Only used when the input is a feature class). |
Output items | A raster representing the soil erodibility factor (K). |
Technical reference and usage tips | This tool works similarly to the raster Reclassification tool. The mapped values should be derived from the literature. |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.SoilErosionKTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Soil Erosion Soil Erodibility (K)’) |
4. Other¶
Data tools¶
Feature class query¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
Raster query¶
Category | Description |
Description | |
Input items | |
Tool properties | |
Output items | |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | |
Scripting the tool |
The following tools are available both for rasters and feature classes.
Flood map interpolation tool¶
Category | Description |
Description |
The flood map interpolation tool will generate a new flood map from a library of pre-cooked flood maps and a set of gauge timeseries. For each gauge, the tool will: This will result in a raster with a band for each output time step and a dictionary of interpolated values from the flood map library for each pixel for each of these timesteps. Finally, the tool will perform inverse distance interpolation using all the pixel values as points in each timestep to generate an interpolated flood map for each timestep. |
Input items | A raster or a point feature class with gauges. |
Tool properties | ![]() DEM: Optional DEM raster used as basis for the flooding. If not specified, the output with be the same size as the floodmap of the first gauge. A flood map must exist for each gauge. Each gauge raster is a multiband raster where bands represent different water levels at the gauge. Band at index 0 represents lowest water level. There should be at least two bands representing lowest and highest level at the point. |
Output items | A raster representing the flood interpolation. |
Technical reference and usage tips | |
API reference | DHI.Solutions.GISManager.Tools.FloodMapInterpolationTool |
Scripting the tool | To create an instance of the tool in the scripting environment use tool = app.Tools.CreateNew(‘Flood Map InterpolationTool’) |